Thursday, January 29, 2009


O0001; ………………….Program number (Main program)
(TEST PIECE) …………Title (Test piece)
G00 G40 G80 ; …………Rapid traverse, cutter radius offset cancel, canned cycle cancel
G91 G30 Y0 Z0; ………..Carries out Y and Z axis second zero return. (MH40, MH50)
G91 G28 Y0 Z0;………... Carries out Y and Z axis second zero return. (MH63, MH80)
T1;……………………….Calls tool No.1 (center drill)
M01;……………………..Optional Stop
M06;……………………..Tool Change
N1T2 (CENTER DRILL);..Sequence No.1 (machining by center drill) Calls the next tool 2 8.5 mm dia drill)
G40 G80;…………………Cutter radius offset cancel, canned cycle cancel
G00 G90 B0; …………….B-axis command
G54 X0 Y0;………………Positioning to the workpiece zero point of work coordinate
G43 Z50.0 H1 S2000; M03 is specified in the next block for checking the offset
M03;……………………..Spindle rotates in the normal direction at 2000 min-1
G99 G81 Z-5.0 R3.0 F150; Canned cycle G81 (drilling cycle) command, point R return
G99, feed rate 150 mm/min

Under Construction ......continue

1 comment:

  1. bos mau tanya MF5 apa?
    untuk cutting speed dan feeding kok belum ada?
