Friday, January 30, 2009


Notes on Pitch Error Compensation

  1. The option for pitch error compensation must be enabled

  2. If any of the parameter are changed, you must power down the control. (Parameter 3620, 3621, 3622, 3623 and 3624). See parameter definition on the next page or refer to Parameter Manual.
  3. If any of the compensations values are changed, you only need to reference (HOME) the axis.

  4. If the parameter are setup correctly, the axes designation (X,Y,Z) will appear in the pitch error compensation table.

  5. The number that appears in parameter 3620 will be your first compensation point.

  6. All axes compensation is done from the reference (HOME) position. You must start at HOME position when you compensate an axis.

  7. The 1024 compensation points can be divided up any way necessary to cover all axes. Axes are not limited to any specific number of points.

  8. On a “TT” control each Head has a separate set of compensation parameters and a separate compensation table. Make sure you have selected the correct slide and HEAD combination.
  9. HOME position is actually the beginning of the first compensation interval (Comp. point) as defined by parameter 3620. When you LASER the axis, if you want the first interval of movement from HOME to be compensated, that value must be entered in the compensation table address associated with parameter 3620. How you select parameter 3620 is defined on the next page under PARAMETERS.

  10. Parameter 3621 < or =" parameter" or =" parameter"> parameter 3620.

Direction of Compensation:

  1. Positive going axis: Parameter 3621 < or =" parameter"> parameter 3620. From HOME position the axis count up positive. The axis reference in the negative direction

  2. Negative going axis: Parameter 3621 < or =" parameter"> parameter 3620. From HOME position the axis count up negative. The axis reference in the positive direction

    Note* If you have a negative going axis, your table must have at least one positive compensation point from your reference. If you don’t the axes designation (X,Y,Z) will not appear in your compensation table and pitch error will not work. You do not have to use the one positive compensation point but it must appear in your table. Parameter 3620 can not equal parameter 3622.

1 comment:

  1. ass post nya hebatt bgt ,,tapi saya masih bingung dengan kompensasi ,,ada gak trik biar mudah mengerti gan
